
Your privacy is very important to us.

Information you provide to The Mooney Flyer is not available to other users.


The Mooney Flyer respects your privacy and shares your concern about the security of information you may submit to The Mooney Flyer.


We collect Email addresses, for the purpose of notifying our subscribers when a new issue of The Mooney Flyer is available . We do not require a password, so a password cannot be compromised.


3rd Parties

We never share information with 3rd parties.

We don’t use Cookies or Similar Technologies

How We Protect Information:

We take several measures to safeguard the collection, transmission and storage of the data we collect. Although we strive to employ reasonable protections for your information that are appropriate to its sensitivity, we do not guarantee or warrant the security of the information you share with us and we are not responsible for the theft, destruction, loss or inadvertent disclosure of your information or content. No system is 100% secure. You should be aware of the security features available to you through your browser. You should use a security-enabled browser to submit your credit card information and other personal information at the Services. Please note that if you do not use a SSL-capable browser, you are at risk for having data intercepted.


What You can Do:

Most browsers have the ability to notify you if you change between secure and insecure communications, receive invalid services identification information for the Services you are communicating with, or send information over an unsecured connection. The Mooney Flyer recommends that you enable these browser functions to help ensure that your communications are secure. You can also monitor the URL of the services you are visiting (secure URLs begin with https:// rather than http://), along with the security symbol of your browser to help identify when you are communicating with a secure server. You can also view the details of the security certificate of the services to which you are connected. Please check the validity of any Services you connect to, using secure communications.


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